
Did You Know...

Garlic (Allium Sativum) is universally known as "the stinking rose".

Apples to Apples


Have you ever wondered just how many different types of apples there are out there? Here is a great post that lists all the different breeds of apples and important facts about each one.

Did You Know...

One of the main ingredients in the famous Nutella spread are hazelnuts. Each 13 ounce jar contains more than 50 hazelnuts. (

Did You Know...

Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a basketball.

Did You Know...

Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

Did You Know...

Bananas are a rich source of potassium,vitamin C, manganese, B-6 and fiber. They are a natural antacid and can soothe heartburn and indigestion. Due to their high potassium content, bananas are a great post-workout snack as they will help to relieve muscle cramps.

Did You Know...

Pineapples (ananas comosus) are classified as berries. They are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B-6, manganese and copper. They also contain a digestive enzyme, bromelain, that has anti-inflammatory properties.

Most research involving pineapples focuses on the digestive enzyme bromelain. Bromelain's properties include:
  1. Enhanced absorption of medications (namely amoxicillin)
  2. Anti-inflammatory action
  3. Inhibits/interfers with the growth of malignant cells and tumors
  4. Inhibits platelet aggregation (clumping/clotting of platelets)

Did You Know...

Original PEZ

PEZ candy was developed over 70 years ago in Vienna as a peppermint candy and marketed as a cigarette substitute.

Presently, there are thousands of PEZ dispensers and a very healthy market for a few considered highly collectable.


Did You Know...

   The custom of throwing rice at weddings goes back to the time when people thought rice, a symbol of health and prosperity, would appease evil spirits so they would not bother the wedding couple.

   Currently, it is discouraged to throw rice at weddings because it poorly digests in birds (who commonly eat the thrown rice) and in many cases has caused bird death.

Did You Know...

   The average person can live about a month without eating any food, but can only live about a week without water.

Did You Know...

It takes about three hours for food to be broken down in the stomach.

Did You Know...

   The eight most popular foods known to cause food allergies are: milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.
Source: Facs-4-Life

Did You Know...

    97% of caffeine must be removed from coffee for it to be labeled "decaffeinated."