
Quick Halloween Safety Tips

Trick or Treating is always a big deal in our family. To be honest, anything in the month of October is a big deal... One way we prepare our kids for Fright Night is by having a fun family safety lesson. Here are some of the highlights from our safety lesson.
1. Walk, Slither or sneak on sidewalks, NOT in the streets or you could end up DEAD MEAT! Look both ways for cars and watch out for flying brooms too!

2. Plan out where your group will be haunting and stay close to an adult, you wouldn't want any ghouls to grab you.

3. Carry a flashlight to light your way! You wouldn't want to end up falling into a GRAVE!

4. Only visit homes that have the porch light lit, wouldn't want to wake anyone in the crypt.

5. Accept your spoils at the front door, going inside a stranger's house is wrong to the core. People may offer you to come into their haunted house, but without a parent things could go south. Always say Thank You for treats and No Thank You for anything else.

6. Keep your treats hidden until your parents can check your stash, or you might end up choking and paying the hospital some cash.

7. Keeping these rules will make your Fright Night safe and complete. Now, Trick-or-Treaters go home, eat some candy and get some sleep!

And most importantly, don't forget to sing!

Second verse for the Teenagers
If you don't
I don't care
I'll pull down your underwear!

* I did not create these clever little rules, they were passed down to me.
**Image created using Rhonna Designs App & BubbleFrame

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