I recently received the book,
When You're Feeling Sick for review and I thought it was perfect to adapt into a lesson on sickness for young children. This lesson is ideal for Pre-K to Kindergarten.
Here is a breakdown of the lesson, feel free to use it!
Lesson Plan: How We Feel When Our Bodies are Sick
To introduce & identify both the physical and mental feelings accompanied with illness.
Duration: 45 minutes
- A copy of When You're Feeling Sick
- Library copy or purchase here
- Download The Sickness Song here
- Monster Gloves (see picture below) I borrowed my monster mitts from my Tickle Monster Kit but anything fun will do
- Bingo cards (example below)
- Hand Sanitizer
- Box of tissue
- Little tissue packs for Bingo prizes
- Prior to the lesson read When You're Feeling Sick
- Have a basic understanding of how to play Bingo (see basic instructions below)
Basic Class Discussion and Outline:
The basic idea is to identify when our bodies feel bad and what we can do to get better. Begin the lesson by discussing these questions:
- How our bodies feel when we first feel the effects of sickness
- tired, cranky, our head feels hot, eyes might hurt, nose might be runny
- Who do we tell when we start feeling bad
- if we are at school we tell our teacher and nurse
- if we are at home we tell our mom, dad, grandma, etc.
- What is "sick day protocol"
- Introduce the Sick Book and read it out-loud to find out. Then continue to discuss the following questions. Be sure and put on a pair of sweet, gloves while reading. Make it fun!
- Why is it important to rest
- so our bodies can heal and fight the virus' in our bodies
- Why is it important to wash our hands when we are sick
- so we don't give the bugs to anyone else.
- Demonstrate proper way to blow your nose and clean your hands. And also demonstrate how to properly sneeze into the crease of your elbow to avoid "THE SPRAY" of virus monsters.
Now play The Sickness Song and let the kids wiggle. Prepare to play Bingo.
It's B-I-N-G-O time!
Tip: Be sure and get a really nice room mom to cut out all the little snot pieces & Bingo cards for you.
We want to review what they have learned and have everyone win a little pack of tissue for their backpacks. Remember this is the kid version. You draw out a picture, they cover it
with the little snot glob, the first person to get 3 in a row yells
BINGO with much gusto. Obviously I only made 3 cards so you will need to
create more variations of the images based on class size. I don't mind
multiple kids yelling at once. If you would like to create more using my
template email me at nataliemartinezlong(at)gmail(dot)com and I will send you the file. The point of the activity is to play a game, review and everyone is a winner in the end!
***I created these BINGO cards for personal use. They are free but cannot be replicated and resold in any capacity. The images used for these handouts were from two sources:google images: free clipart & a few are actual images from the book and can be found at coybowles.com. Book images were illustrated by Andy Elkerton.***
Below are my version of "snot globs". I had to add a little humor into the game because lets face it, sickness usually is accompanied with a snot nosed child who wants a hug.
image sources: google.com {all images were found through a search for "free clip art"} & coybowles.com. All images are subject to copyright and are not for resale.
My sweet monster mitts. |